Android 14 developer preview 1 has just been released by google, it seems that it will be focused for big and foldable screen optimizations 😳
The second developer preview of Android 14 is expected to be released in March. The newest OS is developed with tablets and foldable devices in mind. We should anticipate even more optimizations for large screen devices since Google states Android 14 “builds on the work done in Android 12L and Android 13 to accommodate tablets and foldable form factors.”
Every new Android release emphasizes security, and version 14 will prevent the installation or sideloading of old Android apps designed for earlier OS versions. In order to be more precise, Android 14 forbids the installation of apps with that are made for Android 6 and below.
Non-linear font scaling, will be pre-installed on Android 14. The OS will also apply customized scaling for smaller sub-menu text items. Users will be able to resize system fonts up to 2%. Android 14 will continue the work begun with Android 12’s Material You design.
The second developer preview of Android 14 is expected to be released in March, with Google releasing new developer previews every month until July when we can anticipate the second stable release of Android 14, which will be followed by the consumer-ready version in August/September.
Android 14 DP 1 is compatible with the Google Pixel devices from 4a to 7 pro. Head over to the official Android developer portal if you want to download the system image for your specific device.
Stay tuned for more Android 14 news in the future! 👌