Huawei’s CEO has hinted at the device’s excellent low-light capabilities even with its telephoto lens. The P60 Pro will be launched soon with Huawei having seemingly scheduled a March 23 launch event for numerous new products like the Mate X3, Watch 4 series and the Band 7
Huawei’s CEO has shared a photo taken with the P60 Pro, the company’s next flagship smartphone. Likely launching alongside the Watch 4 and Watch 4 Pro, the P60 Pro is rumored to contain a 4G version of the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chipset, among other flagship components.
Seemingly, Richard Yu captured the image embedded below using the P60 Pro’s telephoto camera, rather than cropping in an image taken with its primary camera.
The sensor used is expected to be the OmniVision OV64B, which outputs 64 MP with 3.5x optical zoom.
Presumably, the P60 Pro has enhanced the image using Huawei’s XIMAGE algorithm to maximize low-light details, although there are signs of blurring and a loss of detail around some of the structures.
Huawei is also thought to have included an RYYB color filter, which it has used on past flagship smartphones too.
Based on the image tease by Huawei’s CEO, it is clear that the new flagship can take high-quality pictures in low light.
The P60 Pro did a fantastic job with its telephoto lens for night photographs, even with some of its details blurred out due to Huawei’s camera software.
Currently, the Huawei P60 Pro is anticipated to arrive in China on March 23. The standard P60 should also be in attendance, as could the Mate X3, Freebuds 5, and Band 7.
Unfortunately, it remains to be seen when Huawei will offer any of these devices outside China.
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