The sub-premium Snapdragon 7 series appears to be Qualcomm’s next significant release following the debut of the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2. Two of those are reportedly already in the works, with the first one set to launch rather shortly.
The absence of the Snapdragon 7 series in the midrange was the result of the Snapdragon 7 Gen 1 not being able to perform up to par in terms of both yield and actual performance. The SoC was only featured on the Xiaomi Civi 2, even that has yet to be launched globally.
That is about to change now as Qualcomm is reportedly working on two Snapdragon 7 series chipsets: the SM7475 and the SM7550, according to Digital Talk Station. A post on facebook by a user called “Whiteblue” also showed a comparison between the Snapdragon 7 Gen 1 and the Snapdragon 7 Gen 2.
As you can see on the picture above, the Snapdragon 7 Gen 2 scored 1,029,731. That is a huge uplift over the Snapdragon 7 Gen 1 and 782G which just scores just shy of 576,007.
It will also perform better than Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 888, the company’s flagship SoC for 2021, and just under the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 from last year. With that in mind I think we can anticipate that the Gen 2 will be a flagship killer.
While the Snapdragon 7+ Gen 1 is likely to arrive in March or April, the Snapdragon 7 Gen 2’s release date is unknown. When they are finally available, it is likely that Redmi and Realme will both release smartphones with it.