Xiaomi secures the latest Qualcomm chipset, the Snapdragon 8 Gen 4, for its upcoming flagship, the Xiaomi 15 Pro. Expected to launch in October alongside the chip’s announcement, the 15 Pro boasts a revamped camera system compared to its predecessor.
Leaks suggest the main camera ditches the variable aperture for a new, wide aperture 50MP sensor rumored to be the “super large” 1-inch OmniVision OV50K. This will be accompanied by a 50MP 3x telephoto periscope zoom camera (likely the Sony IMX882) and a possible 50MP ultrawide sensor, making it a triple-camera system with all sensors boasting high resolution.
Beyond the camera, the Xiaomi 15 Pro is expected to be slightly thinner than its predecessor while sporting a “2K” resolution micro-curved display, a large battery, and an ultrasonic in-display fingerprint sensor. However, there are concerns that the phone, like the Xiaomi 14 Pro before it, might be limited to the Chinese market.