20K-30K Ultimate Smartphone Tier List Reveal, Narito Na!

We compiled all smartphones released from 2022 within 20k to 30k price range to see which one is Super Sulit, and who’s the Overpriced one? The time is over… we are finally revealing which phone is in the Super Sulit category, who will prevail, and which phone will fall from grace? Watch this epic video […]

Tips on how to have a safe deal on Facebook marketplace

Scams are rampant on Facebook marketplace as of recently, even we are baited into it at some point. Whether we can bawl about it, we decided to move on forward and give tips on how to avoid getting scammed on Facebook. One of the great joys of going to a Facebook marketplace is you’ll never […]

Dynamic Island: who’s the first phone that did it?

Apple’s Dynamic Island brings so much buzz worldwide that many people mistook it as the very first to do this thing, but is Apple really the first to do it? The short answer is: no. But how did that happen? For such an ‘innovative leap’ from Apple, it’s not that surprising of a news that […]

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