Instagram new feature: Unskippable ads that you can’t scroll past

Instagram is testing a new feature called “ad breaks” that forces users to watch an ad for a set time before continuing to scroll through their feed. This has caused a stir among users, with reports surfacing on platforms like Reddit.

Mandatory Ad Breaks Interrupt Scrolling

Instagram unskippable ads reddit

According to a Reddit user’s screenshot, encountering an “ad break” icon with a countdown timer disrupts the scrolling experience. Tapping the icon reveals a message explaining the concept: “ad breaks are a new way of seeing ads on Instagram. Sometimes you may need to view an ad before you can keep browsing.”

While Instagram already integrates sponsored content within the feed, these unskippable ads represent a significant shift and have been met with criticism for being disruptive.

Is This the New Normal for Social Media Ads?

Instagram justifies the tests by claiming they’re “always testing formats that can drive value for advertisers.” This raises the question of whether unskippable ads will become the norm across social media platforms. While YouTube and TikTok feature in-feed ads for short-form videos, users can typically swipe past them.



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