The highly anticipated third installment of the beloved Plants vs. Zombies mobile game has finally arrived in select countries, marking nearly five years since EA first announced its development. EA has officially soft-launched Plants vs. Zombies 3: Welcome to Zomburbia (PvZ3) in chosen regions, including the UK, Netherlands, Australia, Philippines, and Ireland.
True to its predecessors, PvZ3 retains the tower defense gameplay that fans love, challenging players to strategically deploy animated plants against waves of zombies. EA promises a blend of “new and returning characters” and a gameplay experience reminiscent of the classic combat from the original title. While PvZ3 will be free to play, it will incorporate microtransactions.
The roots of Plants vs. Zombies trace back to its initial release on PC and Mac in 2009, later extending to mobile platforms. Following EA’s acquisition of the developer, PopCap Games, in 2011, the franchise continued to flourish, giving rise to Plants vs. Zombies 2 in 2013. This period also witnessed the shift from a flat $2.99 fee to a free-to-play model.
As EA launches PvZ3 in select countries, the company plans to expand its availability to more regions at a later date. This phased approach allows EA to gather valuable feedback from players during the soft launch period, ensuring a polished and engaging gaming experience for a global audience.