Xiaomi recently launched its latest flagship smartphones, the 14 and 14 Pro in China. But the company is not done yet. According to a new report, Xiaomi is preparing to launch the 14 Ultra, an even more powerful smartphone with a quad-camera system and a faster variable aperture.
Quad-Camera System with Wider Aperture
A new leak by tipster Digital Chat Station suggests that the Xiaomi 14 Ultra is expected to feature four 50 MP cameras, including a main sensor with a wider f/1.6-f/4.0 variable aperture.
This would be a significant upgrade over the previous model, which had a dual aperture of f/1.9 to f/4.0. A wider aperture allows more light to enter the camera sensor, which can result in better photos and videos in low-light conditions.
New Sony LYT-900 Sensor
The tipster also suggests that the Xiaomi 14 Ultra will have native focal lengths of 0.5x, 1x, 3.2x, and 5x.
Moreover, the Xiaomi 14 Ultra is expected to feature a new Sony LYT-900 sensor. This is Sony’s new Lytia-series flagship sensor which is especially said to improve the camera’s low-light performance.
New Feature for Better Video Recordings
Additionally, the phone is also expected to feature a new feature that allows the lens to change during the video, depending on how much light is getting onto the sensor. This should help to reduce noise and improve the overall quality of video recordings.
Expected Launch
Xiaomi has yet to make any official announcements regarding the 14 Ultra, but rumors suggest a launch around April 2024.