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    Top 5 cool features of POCO X6 Pro 5G

    Does POCO X6 Pro 5G have any useful features? It does and they’re just hiding in plain sight. The POCO X6 Pro 5G is a flagship-like smartphone with an AnTuTu score of over 1.3 million. That score is definitely enough to handle your day-to-day tasks and many demanding apps, including hardcore gaming. But besides that […]

    Is this 12K smartphone good for gaming?

    Just bought a new phone and discovered that its AnTuTu score is only 700K? If you’re doubting smooth gaming, we have some insights for you. While getting a million AnTuTu is nicer, the 700K scoreline isn’t that bad, especially if your games aren’t so demanding. In this article, we presented the reasonable upsides and downsides […]

    Is a gaming phone with 1.3 million AnTuTu good?

    We got some info about how AnTuTu scores translate in mobile gaming. Depending on your phone’s score, it may actually be under or overqualified for games. You might have seen AnTuTu scores spawning left and right as new smartphones are released worldwide. When a flagship chipset is launched, its scoreline becomes the new baseline for […]

    Is the POCO X6 series prone to bootloops or deadboots?

    Here’s what we know about the uncertain future of POCO X6 series owners. The POCO X6 and POCO X6 Pro are priced aggressively and come with impressive performance, design, and battery. Cameras are decent and can meet the demands of your daily uploads. With an amazing package for an affordable price, will this POCO series […]


    We’ve compiled the budget phones with a 10K price tag and where they fall in our smartphone tier list. The first quarter of 2024 is over and so our tier for that quarter. Find out which phones are Super Sulit, Maganda Na, Sakto Lang, Needs Improvement, and Overpriced in the 10K and under category. Super […]

    Top 5 gaming phones around 20K

    Got 20K and thinking of getting a gaming smartphone? It’s possible and you can get more from these five Android devices. Tired of seeing “gaming” phones powered by Helio chipsets? If you have the funds of up to 20K, you have a wider range of options to choose from. In this article, we have five […]

    POCO X6 Pro 5G vs. Redmi Note 13 Pro+ 5G: Clash of Speed and Optics

    POCO or Redmi? Here’s a simple guide to know which Xiaomi smartphone fits your lifestyle. What We Liked About POCO X6 Pro 5G What We Liked About Redmi Note 13 Pro+ 5G POCO X6 Pro 5G The POCO X6 Pro 5G is the highest model in the POCO X6 Series and it comes with two […]

    Infinix NOTE 40 Pro 5G First Impressions: A Stylish Trendsetter?

    Infinix has carved a niche for itself by offering impressive features at budget-friendly prices. Will they continue this trend with their latest offering? Let’s find out! The highly-anticipated Infinix NOTE 40 Pro 5G enters the scene as the latest iteration in the popular NOTE series. While this first glimpse can’t delve into its performance aspects […]

    realme 12 Pro+ 5G Review – Luxury meets versatility

    realme raises the bar with its new flagship, the 12 Pro+ 5G. This phone boasts a complete overhaul compared to its predecessors, especially in the camera department. It breaks new ground in its segment with the inclusion of a periscope telephoto lens, offering exceptional zoom capabilities. Despite its competitive price point, the realme 12 Pro+ […]

    Unboxing TECNO’s gaming powerhouse – the POVA 6 Pro 5G

    The TECNO POVA 6 Pro 5G, the successor to the well-received POVA 5 Pro 5G, promises significant upgrades across the board, making it a potential game-changer in the ever-evolving mobile landscape. The POVA 6 Pro 5G’s striking design, features an even more impressive illuminated back panel. Along with an upgraded AMOLED display, and lightning-fast performance […]

    TECNO POVA 6 Pro Gaming Review – Unique Blend of Style and Performance

    From unboxing to ultimate test: We dive into the TECNO POVA 6 Pro’s gaming prowess! Following our initial impressions, we’re gearing up for a deep dive into the gaming capabilities of the TECNO POVA 6 Pro. This highly anticipated budget-gaming phone from TECNO is slated for release soon, but we’ve managed to snag a unit […]

    Sony offers next-generation entertainment gizmos for next-generation trendsetters

    Know the specs and features of the latest Sony BRAVIA TV, gaming headsets, wireless earbuds, and cameras on offer. Sony unveiled its latest offerings for the next-generation trendsetters, content creators, and influencers in SM Megamall, Fashion Hall, Mandaluyong City. These are top-tier entertainment gizmos for maximum audio and visual impact and impeccable content creation. Sony […]

    Unboxing the Redmagic 9 Pro – A robust gaming performer

    Last year saw the much-anticipated arrival of the Redmagic 9 Pro by nubia, bringing forth a host of significant enhancements. Equipped with the formidable Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 SoC, this device not only promises exceptional performance but also showcases a vibrant display, expansive storage, an impressive 50MP ultrawide camera, a capacious battery, and the added […]

    HONOR X8b Full Review – A dynamic and affordable camera expert!

    Following the resounding success of the HONOR X9b in the Philippine smartphone market, the next release targets consumers who seek a budget-friendly option without compromising on the quality of their smartphone experience. The box, albeit simple, highlights the featured leather back of the HONOR X8b, signifying the brand’s focus for affordable products without compromising on […]

    CHERRY Aqua GR 5G vs. TECNO CAMON 20 Pro 5G: Which one will take the cake

    We compared the CHERRY Aqua GR 5G and TECNO CAMON 20 Pro 5G to know which one is the “sulit” choice for 12K. CHERRY Philippines has made a comeback this year with the midranger CHERRY Aqua GR 5G. This device features a premium-like build and specs but for a convincing price of under 12K. That […]

    Tips to make your phone battery last longer while gaming

    Our guide on how to control the ever-draining rate of gaming on your phone’s battery. Gaming is power hungry, whether on mobile devices or computers. It’s so demanding on energy that heat rises and electric bills skyrocket in a flash. Are they ways to lower its power consumption? Below are workarounds you can apply to […]

    Why most budget gaming smartphones have Helio G99

    Helio G99 is a well-rounder in the midrange segment, which is why brands often choose it for budget gaming phones. Tired of seeing Helio G99 on so-called gaming phones? Well, there are reasons why brands market them that way. The first and foremost reason is price. That said, we listed the common factors behind Helio […]

    Infinix HOT 40 Pro vs. realme C67: Which 7K smartphone you should get?

    Infinix or realme? Both offer a ton of features but each caters to specific needs, and we highlighted them here. Infinix HOT 40 Pro and realme C67 are the newest models launched in the budget-friendly segment. These two have style, power, and storage for daily needs. But which one suits you better, especially your wallet? […]

    realme C67 Full Review – The newest entry-level champion!

    realme has solidified its status as one of the most beloved smartphone brands in the Philippines, and for good reason. Their commitment to delivering affordable smartphones without sacrificing essential features has resonated with users, providing a perfect balance between quality and budget. Enter the realme C67, a budget-friendly smartphone that goes beyond expectations to meet […]

    realme C67 Ranked!

    realme C67 is likely one of the smartphone for its price with a large screen, 90Hz refresh rate, and 108MP rear cam. The realme C67 has landed in the Philippines and it deserves a spot in our tier list. This midrange smartphone is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 685 processor and a 5000mAh battery pack. It […]

    Samsung Galaxy A25 5G Ranked!

    The Samsung Galaxy A25 5G has a Exynos 1280, 6/8GB RAM , and 128/256GB ROM which is good for its price point. It even has a vibrant 6.5 in 1080p Super AMOLED 120Hz display! Lastly, it has a large 5000 mAh battery and 25W charging. The phone also looks pretty which makes it a head turner! The software optimizations especially with regards to its camera is certainly […]

    Satellite communication: Does your smartphone need it?

    The new satellite communication on phones is a life-saving feature for travelers and rural residents. If you’ve been reading phone specs for some time, you probably noticed the word “satellite” on some models, particularly flagship units. This is a new, growing innovation on smartphones that comes with many uses. Do you need it, though? Here, […]

    How to boost FPS in Mobile Legends

    Our guide to let your smartphone get higher frames per second when playing Mobile Legends. Among MOBA games for mobile, Mobile Legends is one of those capable of running at incredibly high frame rates. That’s big when you’re aiming at enemies or dodging skill shots. But how can you boost the in-game FPS on your […]

    Essential smartphone camera features for stunning photos

    This is our guide for picking the camera phone features based on your budget and photo genre and style. Many events happen only once in a lifetime, such as wedding and life milestones. But capturing moments perfectly is quite difficult if you don’t have the best camera or a capable smartphone. So, what features should […]

    realme Note 50 Ranked!

    The realme Note 50 has a Unisoc T612, 4GB RAM , and 64GB ROM which is good for its price point. It even has a wonderful 6.74 in 720p IPS LCD display! Lastly, it has a large 5000 mAh battery and 10W charging. The phone looks beautiful too which is a huge plus! It’s great that Infinix is still able to place a Unisoc T612 here, […]

    Is it worth buying a 4-year-old flagship or a brand-new midrange phone?

    Our guide for users with limited budget and choosing between a fresh midrange smartphone and an old flagship unit. There are two schools of thoughts for enthusiasts before buying a smartphone: aim for a new midrange model or take a leap to get an old flagship. I happen to be an achiever of both, owning […]

    Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra vs. Galaxy S24 Ultra: Is it worth upgrading?

    The Galaxy S24 Ultra has new features worth experiencing but you may want to know if each feature is value for your money. The Samsung Galaxy S24 Series is official and people around the world can now pre-order among three models and their respective storage configurations. But if you’re an owner of Galaxy S23 Ultra, […]

    Unboxing the Infinix HOT 40 Pro – A stylish gaming smartphone on a budget!

    The sleek Infinix HOT 40 Pro takes center stage with an unmistakable mid-range resume and we are hopeful that the current trend of delivering good phones for less should continue. But for now, we won’t talk about its performance or what makes the Infinix HOT 40 Pro, as this is only an unboxing/first impression article, […]

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